Help getting started
The implementation of a new program in the engineering department calls for a major human investment, while maintaining production activity levels.
The justified fear of venturing into unknown territory means that existing tools are often maintained at the same time as the new software. The temptation to avoid switching over fully to the new system makes productivity gains much harder to reach.
Although users must be taught how to use the new software, training cannot instantly give the understanding that comes with experience.
Every engineering department has its own processes, depending on a number of factors, such as the types of customer, the manager’s personality and the type of software solution used.
When introducing a new product, the existing processes must be reviewed so as to take full advantage of the new processes directly available in the software.
Furthermore, our software features a high level of configuration, taking into account of a large number of habits, uses and standards widely shared within the field of electrical engineering.
That is why we are offering our getting started service:
- Implement the most appropriate working method in line with the company’s requirements.
- Start a new project.
- Create standard files, standard electrical sizing projects.
- Configure projects and naming rules to leverage the software’s automation possibilities.
- Create specific queries for the database.
- Training review.
Our technicians’ experience and extensive knowledge of our software will save you several days’ work and give you every assurance that you are getting the most out of the software.
If you are interested in our services, please feel free to fill this form.