Welcome to the website trace-software.com (below named the Site) edited by the Trace Software International INC. company (below named Trace Software International).
The site is a portal of technical and commercial resources for engineers, designers, drawers, technicians, buyers of all the industrial sectors and also for the technical teaching. By connecting to the site, the user accepts automatically and thoroughly the general conditions of use below.
Using of the available data and limits of responsibility
All the news, data and information published on the site are the property of Trace Software International and/or third parts. None non-authorized diffusion of these information is allowed, whatever it be the electronic or paper support.
The data furnished on the Site (bellow named the Data) provide from a great number of manufacturers and norms owned by various industries. These manufacturers and these norms are identified in connection with the Data whose they are the only responsible. By using the Site, the User recognizes that:
- Trace Software International cannot guarantee the accuracy, the integrity or the quality of Data neither that they do not contain virus or pest code. All data published on the Site are only conform to the origin data furnished by the manufacturers and the norms.
- It is incumbent upon the User to estimate and assume the risks associated to the use of all Data, including all reliability linked to the accuracy, the integrity and the utility of the said Data.
- Trace Software International cannot in no case be liable for Data, including but not limited to, the errors or omissions in touch with the Data, neither none loss or damaging resulting from the use of all Data, including the damages caused by virus or by the pest code.
- Trace Software International cannot in no case be liable of any damage, direct or indirect, caused by the User or to a third party, especially, on a purely indicative and non-limitative basis, losses of income, expenses, losses of data, losses of software packages, deteriorations or losses of equipment supported by the User or by a third party, including the recovery costs, reproduction or repairs of such losses or deteriorations.
Contraints of use
The User can only use the Data for purposes Computer-Aided Design or for data consultation. It is not authorized without the written agreement of Trace Software International to 1) distribute the DATA in the framework of an external service or 2) copy or post the Data on a website or 3) broadcast the Data on some media whatsoever or 4) use the Data for the purpose of compete with the service of the Site. The User commits especially to not use the service of the Site for:
- Download, post or relay in any way data or an illicit contents, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, criminal, defamatory, rude, obscene, detracting the invasion of privacy, hideous or reprehensible in the racial point of view, ethnic or other.
- Harm to minors in any way whatsoever.
- Usurp the identity of another person or entity, or make misleading or false declarations regarding the affiliation of the Supplier to a person or an entity.
- Falsify the headings or manipulate in any other way the identifiers with a view to conceal the origin of all Data passed by the intermediary of the service.
- Download, post or relay in any way all contents which break all diploma, registered trademark, trade secret, royalty payment or others exclusive rights of any part.
- Download, post or relay in any way all contents all form of non-requested or non-authorized publicity, of promotional equipment, of disturbed publicity, of undesirable mail or all other form of request.
- Download, post or relay in any way all contents all equipment including computer virus or all other code, file or computer schedule conceived to interrupt, destroy or limit the good working or all software or computer equipment or of telecommunication.
- Hinder or interrupt the service of the Site or the servers or connected networks to the service of the Site, or break all conditions, procedures, politics or regulations governing the networks linked to the service of the Site.
- Harass in any way whatsoever another.
- Gather or store personal data on other users.
- Use the Site as storage place for distant loading purposes or as entrance door for another homepage within or outside the Site.
Contents furnished by the Users
The comments and the files furnished by the Users are proposed for information only and for the convenience of the other Users. Like for the whole Data of the Site, they are no commitment involving the responsibility of Trace Software International. The User can use the comments and files furnished by the other users only for visualisation and download purposes, but he cannot use them to create catalogues or websites rival to the Site. The User is authorized to copy and download these files, provided that all the mentions of royalty payments or other legal information appearing on the original Data or on copy of Data stay intact.
Cookies are text files stored and used to record non-personal and personal information concerning user’s browsing of the site. Trace Software International may use cookies or other technologies which may collect or store personal data to improve services for the user through, for example:
- Enabling a service to recognize user’s device so he does not have to give the same information several times during one task,
- Recognizing that user may already have given informations in a form so he does not need to do it for every form
- Measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and there’s enough capacity to ensure they are fast
- Analyzing data to help Trace Software International understand how people interact with the website so Trace Software International can make it betterTrace Software International uses two types of cookies: permanent cookies and temporary cookies. Temporary cookies disappear as soon as user logs off from the site. Permanent cookies remain after logging off from the site in order to be used on subsequent visits to the site. User will be notified the first time he receives a cookie, and then he decides whether to accept it or refuse it. By continuing to use the site in consideration of the above, user expressly authorize Trace Software International to use such cookies. User can also configure his browser software to refuse all cookies; if user does so, however, some areas and features of the site may not function properly and/or User may not access some parts or services of the site.
Links with outsider websites
The site includes direct or indirect links (hyperlinks with other websites, homepages, pages of websites. Trace Software International offers only these links as services. The respective machine-operators or suppliers are exclusively responsible for the content and the information appearing on these sites. To the extent that the control of these sources escape to Trace Software International, the existence of a hyperlink doesn’t mean that its content is approved by Trace Software International; in no case therefore, it would not be liable by the produced effects by the hyperlinks.
Registration and nominative data
The user can be forced to identify itself by name to use the Site, particularly to reach to certain services such as the download of CAO files, of technical forms and parts lists’ attributes. In this precise case, the user enrols to furnish true and correct information on his identity, his function and the identity and the activity of his company. The recording data, just as certain other nominative information being submissive to the current regulations (n° of declaration of the Information Commissioner’s Office: 1528032), the user can at any moment and in accordance with the law n° 78-17 of the 6 of January 1978, place of the right of access, of rectification and of withdrawal of all personal data inclined to the knowledge of Trace Software International, by writing to:
Trace Software International
Service de gestion des bases de données utilisateurs
Parc Eco Normandie
76430 Saint Romain
Tél. +33 (0)2 32 79 44 24
SIRET : 507 704 716 00012
TVA n° : FR81507704716
APE code : 5829C
Public Company at the capital of 181 250€
Site manager : Pedro Puig Deu
Hosting : OVH – 140, quai du Sartel, 59100 Roubaix – France.
R.C.S. LE HAVRE 507 704 716 ‘ N” de Gestion 2008 B 497
Each user account must be used only by the person who has registered with his name and his email adress. None other user is authorized to use a user account which is not his. It is taken to the appreciation of the User that the manufacturers of components registered on the Site receive only data regarding the users who have downloaded the data of their catalogues. The user also accepts that all nominative data related to him, collected at just when the registration or at another moment, be used by Trace Software International and eventually by his partners for the functioning of offered services (creation of directories and trade market research), in the respect of the current regulations This site use Google Analytics, a service of analysis of website furnished by Google Inc. («Google»). Google Analytics use cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website to analyse the use of the Site by its users.
The data generated by the cookies regarding your use of the site (including your IP address) will be passed and stocked by Google on servers located in the United-States. Google will use this information in the aim to evaluate your use of the site, to compile reports on the activity of the site headed to its editor and to furnish other services related to the activity of the site and to the use of Internet. Google is likely to communicate these data to outsiders in case of legal obligation or when these outsiders treat these data for the account of Google, including especially the editor of this site. Google will not corroborate your IP address with all other data held by Google. You can deactivate the use of cookies by selecting the appropriated parameters of your browser. Nevertheless, such deactivation could stop the use of certain functionalities of this site. By using this internet site, you grant expressly to the treatment of your nominative data by Google in the conditions and for the purposes described above.
Suppression or deactivation right of the access
Trace Software International keep back for itself the right to remove the access to all user who would break the general conditions of use of the Site.
In case of Data can (1) be defamatory, obscene, violent, scandalous or differently unacceptable, undesirable and reprehensible according to the appraisal of Trace Software International; (2) violate all laws, regulations or rights of an outsider, including but in a non-limitative way, rights ruled by the royalty payments and the prohibitions related to the defamations, slanders and invasions of privacy; or (3) achieve the constraints of use quoted above are brang to Trace Software International attention, the latter has the right, but not the obligation, to remove or deactivate immediately the access to these Data.
The user accepts that all notification done in virtue of the present general conditions by Trace Software International is communicated to himself by non-coded e-mails.
This applies particularly to e-mails which can contain confidential data on the user, especially his password in case of oversight and of demand of communication of this latter.
Services and guarantee Trace Software International
Although Trace Software International enlist to furnish the best performances in order to offer to the users a reliable site and services, the User must be conscious that the security of data on Internet cannot be entirely guaranteed. The services are therefore furnished as is and as it is not possible to guarantee the accessibility of the site at any moment because of the technical conditions particular to Internet, Trace Software International cannot be held responsible of imponderable, these reasons being independent of its drive.
Competente jurisdiction and feasible law
The contractual relation instituted by this contract between the user and Trace Software International is submissive to the French legislation. The zone of the jurisdiction regarding all litigation – which will not have done be the object of the amicable resolution – will be taken in front of the competent courthouse of Le Havre (Seine Maritime).
Date of the last update : 08/2015
Trace Software